Criminal Law

Criminal Law

The Law relating to crimes in India is governed by Indian Penal Code, Criminal Rules of Procedure. Any person booked for a criminal offence in India is first charged with an FIR (First Information Report), the basic document based on which any crime is investigated by the police. After the FIR is registered the police completes the investigation and Submits a final report, which is called the chargesheet. The Chargesheet and the case diary would have the entire history of the offence based on which you are charged.

The criminal law in India has several specific Acts enacted by the parliament to enforce strict laws for specific crimes such as-

Major categories of criminal offenses
Criminal offenses can be broadly categorized into the following five major categories:
1. Criminal offenses against a person:
The criminal offenses which are perpetrated against the body or mental faculties of a person fall under this category. Such criminal offenses could result in either physical injury or mental harm to victims. For example, murder, homicide, kidnapping, rape, etc. are crimes against a person.

2. Criminal offenses against property:
These are criminal offenses which are carried out against the property of another person comprise. They crimes may also result in causing either physical or mental harm or both to a person because of loss or damage to property. These crimes are a threat to the right to peaceful possession of the property of another person. Some examples of crimes against property are theft and robbery.

3. Statutory criminal offenses:
Deemed criminal by way of a statute, these crimes often overlap with the other category of crimes. These offenses are prohibited under special statutes such as the use of drugs, banned substances, or financial offenses. Drunken driving, distribution of illegal drugs, etc. are statutory criminal offenses.

4. Inchoate criminal offenses:
These are offenses that were commenced but not completed. This includes acts such as aiding a criminal offense or conspiring to perpetrate a criminal offense. Such acts are considered criminal offenses only if they include active and substantial steps by an accused. The punishment for inchoate criminal offenses can often be equivalent to the ones for the commission of the actual criminal offense. Aiding, abetting, conspiracy, attempt, etc. are inchoate criminal offenses.

5. Financial and other criminal offenses:
Acts such as fraud, deception, etc. to wrongfully obtain financial gain are criminal offenses. These are also called white collar crimes and include criminal offenses such as fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion, etc.

How Can a Lawyer Help You?

In case you are a victim of any Crime, or you have been booked for a certain crime, our team will guide you on the best possible ways to resolve the issue. For example, release on bail, close criminal proceedings against you, file criminal complaints, liaison with police stations,etc.

Call us at +91 9847257555 right now to discuss your case and find legal assistance.